Dear Colleagues,

My coauthors and I are pleased to share our recent article published in 
Environmental Research, which is currently available with free access for 50 
days through the following link:<>

McCormack, M. A., Nowlin, W. H., & Dutton, J. (2021). Effect of trophic 
position on mercury concentrations in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) 
from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Research, 112124.

Marine species from the Gulf of Mexico often have higher mercury (Hg) 
concentrations than conspecifics in the Atlantic Ocean. Spatial differences in 
Hg sources, environmental conditions, and microbial communities influence both 
Hg methylation rates and the bioavailability of Hg to organisms at the base of 
the food web. Mercury bioaccumulates within organisms and biomagnifies in 
marine food webs, and therefore reaches the greatest concentrations in 
long-lived marine carnivores, such as dolphins. In this study, we explored 
whether differences in trophic position and foraging habitat among bottlenose 
dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the northern Gulf of Mexico (nGoM) 
contributed to the observed variation in skin total Hg (THg) concentrations. 
Using the δ13C and δ34S values in dolphin skin, we assigned deceased stranded 
dolphins from Florida (FL; n = 29) and Louisiana (LA; n = 72) to habitats 
(estuarine, barrier island, and coastal) east and west of the Mississippi River 
Delta (MRD). We estimated the mean trophic position of dolphins from each 
habitat using δ15N values from stranded dolphin skin and tissues of primary 
consumers taken from the literature following a Bayesian framework. Finally, we 
compared trophic positions and THg concentrations among dolphins from each 
habitat, accounting for sex and body length. Estimated marginal mean THg 
concentrations (μg/g dry weight) were greatest in dolphins assigned to the 
coastal habitat and estuarine habitats east of the MRD (range: 2.59–4.81), and 
lowest in dolphins assigned to estuarine and barrier island habitats west of 
the MRD (range: 0.675–0.993). On average, dolphins from habitats with greater 
THg concentrations also had higher estimated trophic positions, except for 
coastal dolphins. Our results suggest that differences in trophic positions and 
foraging habitats contribute to spatial variability in skin THg concentrations 
among nGoM bottlenose dolphins, however, the relative influence of these 
factors on THg concentrations are not easily partitioned.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Best regards,
Meaghan McCormack, Ph.D.

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