Dear all,

The Aquatic Species Team of the Secretariat of the Convention on Migratory 
Species (CMS), is offering internships throughout 2022.  You can find more 

The internships can start at a mutually agreed date anytime in 2022 and run for 
3-6 months. Most likely, interns will be working remotely, either fully or 
partially. Therefore, we particularly encourage candidates who would have 
struggled to travel to Germany and support themselves for the duration of the 
internship in Bonn.

The application deadline is 28 January. Applications must be submitted through 
the UN Careers portal, where you can also find further details on the 

Please pass on this information to university students and recent graduates in 
your networks.

Best wishes, Jenny

Jenny Renell
ASCOBANS Coordinator, CMS Aquatic Species Team
Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East 
Atlantic, Irish and North Seas
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel. +49 228 815 2418, email:<><><><>

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