Dear Colleagues,

I would like to share a new publication with you on the diets of Steller
and California sea lions in northwest Washington with an estimate of their
prey consumption. The manuscript also evaluates the dietary niche overlap
of the sympatric sea lion species. The manuscript was published open access
at Fishery Bulletin and is available at

The diets of Steller (Eumetopias jubatus) and California (Zalophus
californianus) sea lions in northwest Washington are poorly documented. We
hypothesized that these species exploit the same prey in Washington because
they are both generalist predators that utilize the same haul-out sites and
are similar in behavior and body size. We analyzed 776 samples of scat from
Steller sea lions and 263 samples of scat from California sea lions
collected throughout each year during 2010–2013. The aim of this analysis
was to characterize seasonal and annual diets, estimate biomass of prey
consumed, and evaluate dietary niche overlap. Steller and California sea
lions ate diverse diets that varied seasonally and annually. Primary prey
groups for both sea lion species were Clupeidae, Salmonidae, Sebastidae,
Rajidae, Pleuronectiformes, Squalidae, and Merlucciidae. We estimated that
Steller sea lions ate 11,327 metric tons (t) (standard deviation [SD] 1600)
and that California sea lions ate 9063 t (SD 4098) of prey per year during
our study. We found significant dietary niche overlap between California
and Steller sea lions that feed in northwest Washington.


Jonathan Scordino
Marine Mammal Biologist
Makah Fisheries Management
(360) 645-3176
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