Dear all,
The Autonomous University of Barcelona organizes from June/20 to July/8, 2022, 
the second edition of the summer school course dedicated to Diseases of Marine 
Mammals. Participants (with a limit of 30 students) will learn on the main 
diseases and threats that affect wild cetaceans and pinnipeds (bacterial, 
viral, and parasitic infections, as well as anthropogenic influences and other 
non-infectious problems). The course will also pay attention to the 
methodologies of disease detection and investigation. As part of the practical 
training, a full necropsy of a dolphin (frozen and thawed for the course) will 
be performed at the necropsy room of the Veterinary Faculty. Information on 
diseases will be also complemented with a practical session of 3 hr. at the 
microscope, visualizing slides of specific diseases at the microscopy 

The course will be presential, from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 
and students are expected to spend between two and three hours per day on 
self-guided learning. A total of 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and 
Accumulation System) will be certified once the course has been satisfactorily 
The course is directed to veterinary medicine and marine biology graduate 
students in the last years of training, and to master students willing to get a 
comprehensive view of marine mammal diseases.
Registration is open and still there are a few sites available.
For registration and further details visit the UAB web site
UAB Barcelona Summer School - UAB 
UAB Barcelona Summer School offers a formative offer of undergraduate subjects 
in great knowledge areas held from late June to late July. Most of the courses 
are taught in English, and you can earn between 6 and 12 ECTS

For any questions about the contents of the course, mail to:

Mariano Domingo

Profesor del Departamento de Sanidad Animal de la UAB
Investigador del Subp. Enfermedades Exóticas del CReSA

Edifici CReSA, s/n, Campus de la Universitat Autònoma
08193  Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Tel.: +34 93 581 4567

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