On behalf of my co-authors, we are pleased to share our recent publication
"Forty-year historical analysis of marine mammal strandings in Texas from

The publication is open access through the Journal of Cetacean Research and
Management and can be accessed here:

Piwetz S, Ronje EI, Whitehead HR. Forty-year historical analysis of marine
mammal strandings in Texas, from 1980 – 2019. JCRM [Internet]. 2022 May 11
[cited 2022 May 11];23(1):27-4.

Long-term trends in marine mammal stranding patterns can provide useful
information on basic life history parameters, spatiotemporal distribution,
natural and human-related mortality events, and potentially vulnerable
populations. Between 1980 and 2019, a total of 5,301 marine mammal
strandings were recorded in Texas, USA. In total, 23 species were
identified, including 19 odontocete species (toothed whales and dolphins),
3 mysticete species (baleen whales), and 1 sirenian species (manatee).
Common bottlenose dolphins (*Tursiops truncatus*) stranded most frequently
(94%). Six unusual mortality events occurred with causes attributed to
disease, harmful algal blooms, or unknown etiologies. Common bottlenose
dolphin stranding events increased significantly in late winter/early
spring, with an early onset in southern Texas, and had a consistent peak in
March involving primarily calves and adults. Spatial analyses using kernel
density estimation within seven coastal Texas stock management areas,
delineated by the National Marine Fisheries Service, identified potential
hotspots for common bottlenose dolphin strandings near higher human
population density and deep water channels. Peak stranding density
estimates in each stock area ranged from 0.32 – 4.6km-2 for presumed bay,
sound and estuarine (BSE) stocks and 0.82km-2 for the presumed Western Gulf
of Mexico Coastal Stock. Common bottlenose dolphin stranding events were
positively male-biased, including a significantly higher number of stranded
male fetuses and neonates, and sexual dimorphism was observed in total body
length of adults, with significantly greater length in males. For all
records where human interaction (HI) could be determined as ‘yes’ or ‘no’,
30% were positive for HI, with the highest proportion of HI events
occurring in the central and southern-most BSE stock areas; however, it is
unknown how many HI cases contributed to mortality. This longitudinal study
provides a comprehensive overview of marine mammal stranding patterns in
Texas and serves as a useful resource for stranding investigators and
Gulf-wide natural resource managers.

Please feel free to contact me with questions.
Thank you,
Sarah Piwetz

Sarah Piwetz, PhD
Stranding Biologist
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network
4700 Avenue U, Galveston, TX 77551
Phone: 281.686.1681
Email: spiw...@tmmsn.org
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