Dear MARMAM colleagues,

My co-authors and I are please to announce our new publication in Methods in 
Ecology and Evolution titled “Streamlining analysis methods for large acoustic 
surveys using automatic detectors with operator validation“.


  1.  Passive acoustic surveys are becoming increasingly popular as a means of 
surveying for cetaceans and other marine species. These surveys yield large 
amounts of data, the analysis of which is time consuming and can account for a 
substantial proportion of the survey budget. Semi-automatic processes enable 
the bulk of processing to be conducted automatically while allowing analyst 
time to be reserved for validating and correcting detections and 
  2.  Existing modules within the Passive Acoustic Monitoring software PAMGuard 
were used to process a large (25.4 Terabyte) dataset collected during towed 
acoustic ship transits. The recently developed ‘Multi-Hypothesis Tracking Click 
Train Detector’ and the ‘Whistle and Moan Detector’ modules were used to 
identify occasions within the dataset at which vocalising toothed whales 
(odontocetes) were likely to be acoustically present. These putative detections 
were then reviewed by an analyst, with false positives being corrected. Target 
motion analysis provided a perpendicular distance to odontocete click events 
enabling the estimation of detection functions for both sperm whales and 
delphinids. Detected whistles were assigned to the lowest taxonomical level 
possible using the PAMGuard ‘Whistle Classifier’ module.
  3.  After an initial tuning process, this semi-automatic method required 91 
hr of an analyst's time to manually review both automatic click train and 
whistle detections from 1,696 hr of survey data. Use of the ‘Multi-Hypothesis 
Tracking Click Train Detector’ reduced the amount of data for the analyst to 
search by 74.5%, while the ‘Whistle and Moan Detector’ reduced data to search 
by 85.9%. In total, 443 odontocete groups were detected, of which 55 were from 
sperm whale groups, six were from beaked whales, two were from porpoise and the 
remaining 380 were identified to the level of delphinid group. An effective 
survey strip half width of 3,277 and 699 m was estimated for sperm whales and 
delphinids respectively.
  4.  The semi-automatic workflow proved successful, reducing the amount of 
analyst time required to process the data, significantly reducing overall 
project costs. The workflow presented here makes use of existing modules within 
PAMGuard, a freely available and open-source software, readily accessible to 
acoustic analysts.

The paper can be accessed at


Thomas Webber
MARMAM mailing list

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