Dear colleagues,

we are currently investigating the distribution of the barnacle Xenobalanus 
globicipitis on the flukes of several cetacean species. This study follows our 
previous work:

   1.   Moreno-Colom et al. (2020). Spatial distribution and aggregation of 
Xenobalanus globicipitis on the flukes of striped dolphins, Stenella 
coeruleoalba: An indicator of host hydrodynamics? Marine Mammal Science, 36(3). 
        doi: 10.1111/mms.12691

   2.   Carrillo et al. (2015). Living on the edge: Settlement patterns by the 
symbiotic barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis on small cetaceans. PLoS ONE, 
10(6):e0127367. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127367

We thus ask this community whether you could share photographs of the tail 
flukes (both dorsal and ventral sides) of cetaceans. Any cetacean species would 
be of great interest. If possible, photos should include a scale.

Photos and/or videos of cetaceans swimming would also be helpful.

Thanks in advance!


Javier Aznar and Sofía Ten (from the Marine Zoology Unit of the University of 
Valencia, Spain)

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