Joint Course on ACCOBAMS Highly Qualified Marine Mammals Observers (MMO)
and Operators of Passive Acoustic Monitoring Systems (PAM) and JNCC

Marine Mammals Research Association (DMAD) under the agreement signed with
ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea,
Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area) will be running a brand-new
training course to qualify individuals as Marine Mammal Observers and
operators of Passive Acoustic Monitoring systems with ACCOBAMS and JNCC
certifications. There will be a limited number of subsidised positions for
Turkish students and early-career researchers, and these will be offered on
a first come, first served basis.

When: 17th  to 25th June 2023/ Where: Fethiye, Turkey/ Price*: €550-900
(Table 1)*
The Qualification:

The ACCOBAMS qualification qualifies people to work as MMOs/PAM operators
throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea in 24 countries, where it is the
agreed course requirement for such work. After the course, The ACCOBAMS
highly qualified MMO/PAM operators will be able to work to minimize the
impact of noise on cetaceans, by applying the knowledge, expertise and
skills acquired during the training course, and to use the standard
procedures, forms and manuals, in accordance with the ACCOBAMS principles.

Speakers and Presenters:

MMO&PAM operator Patrick Lyne, DMAD founder and director Dr. Aylin Akkaya


   Graduated/current student in biology or ecology or have experience that
   demonstrates a commitment to the environment and its conservation.

   Minimum 30 days-at-sea as a marine observer (with references/records )

   Basic knowledge to recognize the different species and understand the
   behaviour of animals at sea

   Basic knowledge on sound

   Ability to communicate in English

Topics Covered in the Training Course:


   Introduction to underwater acoustics

   Introduction to marine mammals and acoustics

   Introduction to human activities generating underwater noise and impacts
   on marine mammals

   Introduction to existing regulations, mitigation procedures and ACCOBAMS

   Introduction to the role of MMO/PAM

   Introduction to the “life style” onboard

   Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map the acoustic
   and visual sightings.

   Using PAM for survey and research

   Introduction to hardware used for PAM

   Hands on training with PAMGUARD

   Tips and troubleshooting.

For more information or to apply e-mail:

Table 1.  Price List for different course options

Course category

Price (Euro)

ACCOBAMS and JNCC certification (7 days)


ACCOBAMS certification only (6 days)


ACCOBAMS certification for the experienced MMO/PAM (6 days, no boat surveys)


MMO members (6 days, no boat surveys)


*Price covers the training and certificates

*Accommodation and transportation cost belongs to the participant

*There will be one day of boat-based training where there is a strong
chance of sperm whales’ encounters that allows you to practice your learned
skills during the course.

The Application Steps and The Deadlines;


   First Step: Application deadline 15.05.2023

   Second Step: Assessment of the Applicants between 16.05.2023-21.05.2023

   Third Step: Informing Successful Applicant 22.05.2023 (Due to the
   workload we will only inform the successful candidates, if you not sure
   please don’t hesitate to contact us)

   Payment of the Course Fee by 01.06.2023

   Start of the Course 17.06.2023

   End of the Course 25.06.2023

Please contact us at expressing your interest or and we
will send you an application form. Or if you have any further questions you
can contact us on this address too.
MARMAM mailing list

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