Hello Marmam Community!
The Maine Department of Marine Resources is planning monthly aerial surveys in 
the Gulf of Maine targeting sightings of large whales, specifically North 
Atlantic right whales. Sightings of right whales from these aerial surveys will 
be used to inform density and occupancy models for right whales, as well as 
identify overlap with fixed fishing gear in the Gulf of Maine that may pose a 
risk of entanglement. I wanted to share the Request for Proposals that the 
State of Maine just published for this work. Please distribute to any 
colleagues you think might be interested! Document is linked 
 It can also be found on the State of Maine's website at this 
link<https://www.maine.gov/dafs/bbm/procurementservices/vendors/rfps>. The 
proposals are due April 19th. Questions can be sent to Sarah Leiter 
(sarah.lei...@maine.gov<mailto:sarah.lei...@maine.gov>). Official questions 
must be received by March 29th to be included in the RFP materials. Thank you 
for helping us get the word out!

Erin Summers

Director, Division of Marine Mammal Research
Maine Department of Marine Resources

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