Dear Colleagues,

My co-authors and I are happy to announce the following open-access

Helble, T.A., Alongi, G. C., Guazzo, R. A., Allhusen, D. R., Martin, C. R.,
Martin, S. W., Durbach, I.N., & Henderson, E. E. (2024). Swimming and
acoustic calling behavior attributed to Bryde’s whales in the central North
Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1305505. doi:


A unique acoustic call type was identified and attributed to Bryde’s whales
in the central North Pacific in 2015, but little is known about the
distribution, calling behavior, or swimming behavior of Bryde’s whales in
the region. Acoustic detections attributed to Bryde’s whales were used to
localize and track individual whales on the U.S. Pacific Missile Range
Facility (PMRF) in Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. This study included 150 acoustically
derived tracks from recordings spanning the years 2011–2022 with recording
effort in nearly every month. Bryde’s whale movement was examined relative
to calendar year, day of year, hour of day, wind speed, and acoustic
calling rate. Hidden Markov models were used to identify two kinematic
states (slower, less directional movement and faster, more directional
movement). The findings indicate that Bryde’s whales were more likely to
travel in a faster and more directional state during the daytime than at
night and between May and August when compared to other times of year. The
along-track acoustic cue rate was examined for 118 tracks, and the findings
indicate a possible lengthening of the median inter-call interval over the
duration of the study period. These results are an important first step in
understanding more about behavior in Bryde’s whales, a relatively
under-studied species.

Please email Tyler Helble ( if you have any
questions about this work.

All my best,


Regina A. Guazzo, PhD (she/her)
Oceanographer and University Engagement Lead
Whale Acoustic Reconnaissance Project (WARP)
Environmental Readiness Branch, Code 56720
Naval Information Warfare Center, Pacific
Work Cell: 757-472-0957
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