Dear MARMAM Community

Ocean Associates Inc. (OAI) is soliciting candidates for a contract position 
with the NMFS Office of Protected Resources described below and would 
appreciate your help in providing the application link to  your membership.OAI 
supplies personnel support services on contract to government and industry 
clients for marine fisheries and protected species.
    * Processing and assisting with requests for scientific research, 
enhancement and photography permits and authorizations pursuant to Section 104 
of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), Section 10(a)(1)(A) of the 
Endangered Species Act and NMFS' policies, including: reviewing applications; 
coordinating with applicants; conducting analyses; responding to public 
comments; and drafting all necessary documents.
    * Conducting and assisting with necessary National Environmental Policy Act 
(NEPA) analyses and Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultations on the issuance 
of permits indicated.
    * Critically analyzing and assisting with the compilation and analysis of 
scientific literature, agency documents, and other applicable information to 
assess impacts of activities on marine mammals and developing/evaluating 
mitigation and monitoring to support agency findings under the MMPA, ESA, and 
    * Communicating program policies, requirements, and issues to the public 
and other Federal Agencies, as well as to other NOAA programs and leadership.
    * Travel may be necessary on a limited basis to attend meetings or 
workshops, in accordance with Federal Travel Regulations.
Link to Job Posting:
Bruce Morehead Senior Associate
Ocean Associates, Incorporated
240-461-9699  (phone/text)

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