>    Why don't we start our own fucking list without the apologies?

Hi Barbara

Sure! How about "Workfare/Welfare International" and working out a list statement with objectives for discussion.
Will send this to a few places to see if thier is interest in getting this started and we will have and informal little mailing list to discuss how to try and get it off the ground. You should do the same.

Along the lines of ...(Feel free to add or change and see if we can come up with something.)

New liberalism and the ruling classes of the world under the war cry of "Victory Over Communism" have from New Zealand, to South Africa, from Washington to the capitals of Europe and on to Japan not to mention Latin America,Mexico and the former Soviet Union have gone to attack thowing millions upon millions out on the dole. In many countries whole younger generations have never had a job. Immigration laws are being beefed up and millions are being threatened with deportation while indigous peoples in many countries and their rights are under broad attack.

Notibly it is the "friends of Labor" the Democratic Party in America and the Social Democratic Parties in Europe which in power have come to the fore in order to implement these reforms thus turning their backs on poor and working class people
and becoming the foremost instrument for smashing the so called "welfare" states and reforms that came after decades of struggle and blood--wars and revolutions--as they desert the class that gave these bureaucrats a position of power which they are now using to send millions into poverty and new forms of slavery under the guise of "reforms"!

Especially minority groups, women and children have been hard hit and now new systems like welfare/workfare--private prison labor schemes--unemployment insurance/workfare schemes are throwing millions of poor and working class people back into slavery without unions or even elementry rights.

Children are being taken from their parents and systems of laws like the "three strike law" in America are providing the human material for these new systems of slavery. Where millions of foremost people of color are incarcerated for life as slave labor in privately owned prison camps. While single mothers with children are forced to work for a pittance with the threat of having their children taken from them.

In fact Jack London's description of English working class familes sounds mild in relationship to some of the attrocious programs now being put into place foremost to destroy the trade unions and drive down wages in many countries around the world today.

In the wake of this fascists and fascist solutions are also once again rising to the surfaces with electoral victories throughout Europe and bombings, shootings, and violence in general as attacks on people of color and immigrant minorities in many countries are rising. In America people of color are gunned down not only by fascist wackos but the cops connected to beefing up the prison system and three srtike laws along with the welfare/workfare schemes which are and instrument directd against the backbone of labor--the trade unions.

In russia,Poland and East Europe anti-semitism is on the rise and nationalism and wars are becoming a norm once again on the European continent. And even America where people of color gunned down on the street is quite normal fascists now are attacking Jewish communities and synogogs.

In the third world reeling under foreign debts the situation is certainly even more desperate. Where armies are created of children with the only goal of war and usually fiananced by outsiders and there frontmen in these countries in order to provide cheap raw materials to the advanced industrial countries.

In the former Soviet union millions suffer under the new system. The death rate in these countries has increased tenfold and for children a hundred fold.

The so called Asian economies once considered the "Tiger" economies have blown apart and millions thrown out on the dole and forced immigration.

Even Japan who up until recently had life time employment a general attack has taken place all across the board.

All of this has one purpose and that is to drive up profits on a shrinking world market at the expense and enslavement of millions upon millions of poor and working class people. And in this process lie the seeds of growing rivalry amongst the powers that be which are driving us towards not only small wars that are popping up all over the place from the former Yugslavia to Indonesia to the African and Latin american continent but a new big war where the major imperialist powers will once again vy for world domination of just there *own* national ruling class. Plunging millions of poor and working class people into the bloody trenches once again.

In fact this process is already on its way. Germany and Japan are rearming and in fact trade wars both between major powers but also against third world and developing countries are increasing to white heat. In India/Pakistan conflict where a third of the population of the entire world is living capitalist relations and who will lord it over poor and working class people on the sub continent are driving this part of the world towards a nuclear confrontation.

Therefore we have decided to start the welfare/workfare International which we hope will become a forum and voice for these millions upon millions. A place where discussion, information, and news will be available to all who not only are burdened with these new forms of slavery but actually want to find and fight for a way out.

All poor and working class people around the world are welcome to this list and naturally political parties, trade unions and organizations who claim that they fight in the interests of all the oppressed are welcome to take part.

Those who moderate the list have a position that this list will be open to all organizations and groups and parties and trade unions who actually want to fight against this system both on a national and international level. No one will be gagged or banned for their political views except the fascists whom need not even apply. Because fascist don't get a platform on any list.
Over and above this spammers and rightwing nuts will will be shown the door if they dare attempt to publish some of the attrocious garbage in defense of these systems now being implemented.

We have nothing to lose but our chains!

Or Something along these lines and finding a server which will house the list. Setting it up--
Get it to work and then posting and announcement with the above and how to subscribe all over the net..
All who are interested can send a note to you and me and we will create a list to discuss how to precede.


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