At 21:00 26/08/99 +1000, Rob wrote:
>G'day Thaxists,
>I know a few fans of big Leon inhabit this forum, but I'm not sure if
>they've all read an essay Trotsky wrote on the new boy Hitler for the
>September 1933 issue of Harper's Magazine.  Bloody impressive du juour for
>its analysis, and all the more so from 66 years down the track.  He nailed
>Hitler, and he nailed the west's initial response to Nazism absolutely
>brilliantly.  Anyway, the essay is reprinted in the July '99 issue of
>Harper's Magazine, and I recommend it highly.  
>What a clever lad Trotsky could be.

Does it explain why the USA should have kept out of the war against nazi
Germany, as the main US Trotskyist organisation argued, and as Louis
Proyect faithfully argues today?

Chris Burford


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