Nor this one (it must be me):
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From:           Self <UK-AC-MAN-LI-FS1/JWALKER>
To:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:        Re:       Re: M-TH: A plea
Date sent:      Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:13:23

David Welsh wrote:
> Well the barrier to social revolution is the widespread absence of 
>any belief > in a replacement for the existing order,

So if we believed harder we could create a revolution regardless of 
economic crisis, or do the two have to coincide or in a some dialectic 
> during the twentieth century when there always has been (at least) the Soviet
> Union to provide an alternative model.

Here I can agree up to a point. That the one advantage which 
communists had over socialist, Fabians, Trotskists and anarchists is 
that we could point to a real revolution to prove that our arguement 
were not merely some pipe dream utopia. To so extent Cuba still 
fulfills this role to a lesser degree (and possibly China if one is 
that way inclined).

> all the scenarios provided by Comrade> Walker either take place in 
>a distant country or repeat the past. 

I do not agree with all the scenarios I mentioned but the are only 
distant countries to you. They are very important to most of the 
workers in the world and equally to Imperialism which no longer 
recognises distances as very significant. That Britain would be 
uneffected by revolution in the Brazil et al, I I would argue to miss 
the point.

>I would> love to be to offer a plan of action for British communists 
>but I can't, > greater unity (as was attempted around the European 

Oh yes a left coalition of Labour Party expelled socialists fighting 
a European election hardly anyone voted in (or even noticed!) I am 
sure that would have capitalism quaking in its boots (as I am sure 
William Morris would agree).

I sorry if I was a liitle harsh but you said all the thing I most 
despair of in left politics - idealism, Eurocentrism and 
parliamentarianism. But then disagreeing is what Marxists do best, 
isn't it?

No offence,

John Walker

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