> >
> >>What do comrades consider is the MOST IMPORTANT single obstacle to
> >>revolution at the present time?

I'm with Mezsaros on this one- he argues that the it's only the experience 
of severe dislocation such as war or social breakdown that the desire for 
revolutionary is awoken. In times of prosperity people do not tend to 
question the wider fabric of power too much and in downturns a narrower self 
preservation dominates. All the propagandising in the world will not alter 
the grip of ruling ideologies- only crisis rips through the bullshit. (Or is 
this merely a re-hash of the RCG's Marcusian pessimism James?!)

> >On a separate issue, I notice that some cretin on another list has
> >besmirched our beloved moderators. I for one would like to express my
> >appreciation for their tact and good humour in moderating what has
> >become a quietly successful list.

Hear hear Chris! I'll second that. For all the heated disagreements that 
this list can generate this list remains an open and civil forum. If some 
cretin or two disparages that success, then shame on them for drawing 
everyone's attention to their own personality disorders.


NB Hans, Rob and BIll: I'm not subbed on this address, but please let it 
through- this is a temp e-mail account that I'm using til I get TCP/IP 
access in a new job.

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