Dear friends:

Excuse me if you have by chance already received this message from other 

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999
Subject: (en) FZLN,Second American Encuentro,Sept 4
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chiapas95-english)

>From The Zapatista Front of National Liberation (FZLN).

To Organizing Committee of the 2nd American Encuentro For Humanity 
And Against Neoliberalism

To Organizations and individuals who are being called, from Belem,
across the entire continent, to meet with us in Belem do Pará, Brazil.

To The peoples of the American Continent:

Brothers and Sisters:

We received your Call to the 2nd American Encuentro For Humanity and
Against Neoliberalism, to be held from December 6 to 11, 1999, in the City
of Belem, Pará, Brazil.  The beauty of the text could alone sustain, and be
in keeping with, the abundance of dreams promised by the extremely rich
diversity of Brazilian social movements and their struggles.  By having you
as our hosts, the intergalactics of all Our America will be able to feel at
ease, and we will be inspired to share the experiences, ideas and most
daring intentions for humanity and against (already, in itself, old)

The natural beauty of Belem / Pará, and the struggle of its residents to
socialize it, points to a scenario that augurs a true encuentro of Our
America with itself, that is, a truly wonderful encuentro of those who are
seeking and struggling to make their dreams reality.  Because of that, from
La Realidad to Belem, a dream is drawn:  that of Our America being free,
democratic and just.

It has been three years now since the 1st American Encuentro For Humanity
and Against Neoliberalism, held in Chiapas, Mexico, and we are happy that
Brazil, that country of continental dimensions and great variety of social
struggles, is offering us the opportunity to join together, now in Belem do
Pará, in order to continue the necessary coming together that will allow us
to build, among all of us, the path of a future with peace.

We Mexican zapatistas will be coming to Belem with the conviction that we
will meet everyone there:  social movements and organizations, citizens,
religious, women, homosexuals, lesbians, young persons, unionists,
campesinos, indigenous, blacks, political wings of various shapes, all, in
order to confirm the breadth, diversity and strength of our hopes.

We Mexican zapatistas are now beginning to prepare for our attendance and
participation in the 2nd American Encuentro.  To all of our brothers and
sisters of the continent, we are saying:  let us walk together to Belem. 
We are going ready to lend our modest contribution to the common struggle
of Our America.  But we are going, above all, with the intention of
listening to, and learning from, all of your efforts.

To our brothers and sisters of Mexico, we are calling you to build together
a National Promotional Committee for the 2nd American Encuentro For
Humanity and Against Neoliberalism, that will be in charge of the
preparations for the participation of a broad Mexican delegation, open to
any organization or individual who wants to participate in this encuentro.

Together, we shall try to decipher the unknowns of this end of millenium,
we shall share the ideas that move us and inspire us, we shall share and be
inspired by the experiences of resistance and struggle against inequality,
against oppression and against exclusion, battles which our American
peoples fight every day.  And in that way we shall continue to weave the
immense net of all us who are confronting the cynicism of a system which
knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.

To our Brazilian compañeros, to our compañeros of Belem do Pará, we are
grateful for your generous willingness to receive - in your enormous house
in solidarity - a continent that, with all its wounds, will arrive willing
to be a dignified and human future.  Be assured that, from this moment on,
we Mexican zapatistas will contribute all of our efforts towards the
success of this effort of American unity.

Liberty!  Justice!  Democracy!


The Zapatista Front of National Liberation (FZLN) 

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Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 23:45:12 -0400
From: irlandesa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FZLN: 2nd American Encuentro
Sender: irlandesa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Originally published in Spanish by the Zapatista Front of National
Translated by irlandesa

Date:   Friday, September 3, 1999 22:03:11 -0500
From:   fzln <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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