G'day all,

'Turns out that someone in Djakarta had arranged for huge holding camps to
be set up in West Timor at least four days before the referendum (camps that
are apparently 'processing' 20000 people a day - some dying mysteriously and
many being sent to other islands).  Making news also is an unconfirmed
phonecall to Australian media that a huge mass killing if taking place in a
town south of Dili.  Just cleaning up before the humanitarian mission
finally comes in, I expect.  Hope they find some humans to be caring and
sharing about.  We can only hope that the 400000 or so who apparently made
it into the hills haven't already starved to death.  And we can only hope
some mechanism might be instituted by which the forcibly removed can get
back home.  This latter is the less likely, as I expect the media won't make
too much noise about it.


     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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