>From: Philip L Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: East Timor
>Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 15:30:40 +1200
>Yesterday I sent an email which had stuff that Fretilin leader Jose Ramos
>Horta said in a major interview on a TV current affairs programme here on
>Monday night (Sept 13).  I didn't have my notes from the interview at the
>time, so thought I'd repost it, with my notes.
>Horta had just met Clinton and he said that the meeting confirmed his view
>of Clinton as "a very warm, caring and compassionate person".  He stated
>that Clinton is the Western leader who has most raised the question of East
>Timor.  He then praised Madeleine Albright.  He then moved on to praise the
>speech Clinton made last week and the positive role of US world leadership.
>He then said, "we have to do everything to support Habibie" whom , he said,
>had made a "brave, courageous decision" in relation to East Timor.
>Horta then echoed UN Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson* and argued
>for a UN_initiated War Crimes Tribunal on Indonesian Crimes in East Timor.
>Asked about rebuilding East Timor, he said Fretilin people had been busy
>lining up a lot of overseas investors for reconstruction work and that
>there was a meeting set up with the World Bank later this year.
>Philip Ferguson
>* Mary Robinson was president of Ireland in the late 80s/early 90s.  She
>has a long record of support for the partition of Ireland and British
>imperialism, along with a liberal social conscience.

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