>>> "Macdonald Stainsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/14/99 04:28AMDiana: That's become 
>their whole style. This may have something to do with 
the media. This 'we've gotta be tough' style of the United States throwing 
its weight around in a very moralistic way. I mean this is going to make us 
all the enemies in the world and all the world's enemy; and rightly so, 
because anywhere, and particularly in Asia, if you are going to be helpful 
to any kind of conflict you have to understand the points of view of the 
different parties and not simply view them as people who can be bribed by a 
carrot or beaten with a stick -

Jared: You're right. People have national sensibilities.

Diana: A complete absence of diplomacy. And you've got this chorus of 
moralistic columnists, always egging them on: the US has got to act tough, 
it's got to act moral. And if anybody attempts subtlety they'll be lynched 
in the media. They would feel that would be Munich or something. You have 
all of these little slogans you know.


Charles: Why would the U.S try to tdo the right thing, what it needed ? If diplomacy 
is "needed" , it is not surprising that the U.S. is undiplomatic.

Charles Brown

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