Thanks for such a vitriolic reply Bob!  To clear a couple of things up
first of all.  I was not having a go at you personally.  I was infact
replying to the content of the posting which was put out by Straight Facts
which aligned it self with the Sparts, (and if I made a mistake
in thinking they were representative of the Sparts,which you have said
they are not  then I accept I was wrong in thinking that). The main line
of the argument was very close however, to the argument put forward by the
Aust Sparticist in their latest edition of their paper... 

Now onto other things.....
I would like to point out that the PRD (whom I assume you are refering to
by the term "Indonesian socialists") has never supported the Indonesian
generals and bosses in power.  They have been consistant in calling for
the end of the dual function of the military (long before the rest of the
democracy movement took it up) and continue to do so.  They have been
strong supporters and have many members involved in Kobar and other
INdonesian trade unions orgs such as the FNPBI. 

 Dita Sari - a PRD leader and union activist has just spent 3 years in
prison for her anti Suharto and pro worker activities.  She was jailed
with more than 10 other members of the PRD.  

Other PRD members have beentortured and disappeared for
their pro worker/union activities and anti govt, anti army activities.
Recently another leading comrade in the PRD and union activitist was
critically injured, (she was beaten with rifle butts and shot at point
blank range in the back) and almost killed for leading a protest against
the dual function of the military and the election. The PRD's offices were
recently firebombed- again for their anti govt, pro E.Timor, pro worker

Please explain to me how they are supporting the generals and bosses?

Kim B
PS - feel free to use my first name in replying, I promise not to be

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