I notice that Chris and Bullimore are railing against thse horrible "Sparts"
mistakenly because Straight Facts send two (!) statements out recently on
events in Indonesia. In the first place Straight Facts is not the ICL and
there statements are a hastily clued together position which is formally
correct but presented in a ridiculous way and which leaves out one of the
most central things in regards to this part of the world which is the
element of inter-penetrating peoples.

Straight Facts does not represent the ICL in this case but is attempting to
intervene on its own! So I suggest that you wait to you hear it from the
horses mouth before attacking the "Sparts" which niether I or Straight Facts
represent but sympathize with.

However in the case of Bullimore whom is tailing the Indonesian "socialists"
while screaming about how workers are fleeing to the hills because of the
repression does not exclude the need of a revolutionary Marxist Party to
lead the struggle. Because the Indonesian "Socialists" certainly will nor
can not take Indonesia or the working class anywhere. Other then to new
forms of class oppression in order to ride in the shade of a more democratic
bourgeois solution to the crisis.

For this cretin the movement is everything the goal nothing. Much like Chris
who historically has tailed everything that the Blairites have pushed as the
third way.Not in the least the crumbling "peace" freud in Northern
Ireland!But his latest claim that the UN should be called in to "prevent
genocide" is very bizaar in the least. The record of UN intervention from
the Congo in the fifties to Yugoslavia just recently certainly has not
helped anybody one bit.

So there solution to the present crisis in Indonesia is not to provide a way
out, but shoring up popularfront illusions that a "democratic" bourgeois
solution to the crisis is the only realistic goal to have. This is Social
Democracy and liberalism in a nutshell and workers should certainly turn
there backs on such heros who want to put more liberal generals and bosses
in power rather then fight in our interests.The recent turmoil and history
prove that this just won't work. There is no solution to the crisis outside
of a proletarian revoluton in Indonesia which is linked to the struggles
both in Japan and China.

The line of these two charcters in fact is critically supporting and
imperialist solution to the crisis and in fact they are probably extremely
worried about what this could mean if Indonesioa did blow apart and both
China and Japan started to react to the western attempts to cool of the
situation and set up a new regime which could replace Sukarto who no longer
is viable.

Once again the tragedy of Indonesia is the lack of leadership and it will
lead to another new blood bath one way or another. In 1956 the same stuff
was on the agenda and imperialism opted to support the bloody repression of
the movement. Today the goal is still the same and that is to head off any
explosions fearing what this could mean in regards to both China and Japan.

Our supporters of imperialist intervention think we are still living in the
past and that Indonesia can play the same role it has historically. On the
contrary the destruction of the SU as irrevocably closed that door. Despite
the attempts of the Americans to keep it open in regards to the situation in
China. The break up of Indonesia in fact strengthens the arguement of we are
heading towards a new World War rather than anything else.

And more then ever in this new situation a party of revolutionary Marxists
will be vital if we are going to have any chance of succeeding in the next
period. This is only the beginning of the crumbling of decades of detante
and peaceful co-existence based on the powers that be that came out of WW2.
today the situation is far different.

So chirp on you followers of liberals and ex Social Democrats of the third
way! But your politics even here are not new and NEVER have led to anything
then new blood baths futher on down the road when you Oh so realistic
bullshit explodes in your faces.

Unlike you workers and the Indonesian workers in this caSE HAVE NOTHING TO


Bob Malecki

Below is the letter I sent out to Usenet in reply to the gyrations of
Straight Facts on this stuff..

I notice that Straight Facts had two send two statements to this list as
well as others in order to straigten out and clarify its line.

I also notice how shallow the line is. Partially because it appears they are
guessing. And partially because they have no understanding of what is going

I bet that although we certainly would defend the right to dself
determination for the East Timorese, including the right to succeed. The
solution to the problem is one of interpentrating peoples in this myriad of
peoples thrown together in what is today called Indonesia.

In fact a Socialist Republic would be quite a number of republics of peoples
with the proletariat standing at the head of a socialist overturn linked to
both developments in both Japan and China.

Some good advice would be not to take this clued together and hastily
created work as the final say on events in this part of the world.

Straight facts certainly is  capable of drawing general conclusions and is
surfing on being a wannabe!

The next time I think they should at least think before they write so that
they can at least make one statement on and issue which could be very
important in the future. The condition for creating a world party is
patience and knowing what to say and do in a given situation and not flighty
statements that change from one day to the next.

So what we got is two statements or half correct statements from Straight
Facts in two days. Awaiting a third statement taking up interpenetrating
peoples which they seem to unconciously mention yet neglect to clarify.

Myself, Well I will wait to see what the ICL has to say on this stuff.

Warm regards
Bob Malecki

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