>> > > > Marxism is concerned with the distribution of wealth
>> > > >on an equal basis and the equitable utilization of the
>> > > >means of production.
>>What Marxism is concerned with is with the destruction of
>>the fetishism of commodity in all and every nook of human
>>life. The "distribution of wealth on an equal basis and the
>>equitable utilization of the means of production" is a
>>petty bourgeois way to say something similar to what
>>Marxism wants to achieve. Our ultimate goal is beyond these
>>purely economicist intentions, we want to render every and
>>each member of the human species a master of her or his own
>>destiny. Thus, we want to destroy the economic foundations
>>of unequality and tyranny of the few on the many.  And we
>>also want to throw to the dustbin the pervasive tendency of
>>capitalism (pervasive because structural) to deprive human
>>life of meaning, other than the meaning imparted externally
>>on it by capital, that is the accumulated energy of the
>>past generations that enslaves the present ones.

Nicely put, but who is this Nestor geezer?


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