>[from BRC-MUMIA]
>please forward this statement.
>Download this document: http://www.unstoppable.com/22/pdf/oct22mumia.pdf
>The October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the
>Criminalization of a Generation fully supports the fight to stop the
>execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Mumia is a former Black Panther who has
>remained a revolutionary since the 60's. He is also an award winning
>journalist who uses his skills to give voice to those this society wants
>make voiceless and powerless. Mumia has been on death row in
>since 1982 when he was framed on charges of killing a cop. During his
>Mumia was denied the right to choose his attorney, testimony against him
>gotten through bribery and intimidation and witnesses who said he was
>innocent were either hidden from the defense or intimidated from showing
>in court! Judge Sabo, who presided over this kangaroo court,
>his pro cop bias (he's a life long member of the Fraternal Order of
>by denying almost all of Mumia's defense motions and even banning Mumia
>the court during the trial! Mumia deserves a new trial because his first
>trial was a travesty of justice.
>Mumia is on death row because he is outspoken against police brutality
>other government abuses aimed at poor people. Even from the bowels of
>row, Mumia continues to expose official misconduct across the country
>around the world. The government is even ignoring its own laws as it
>to execute Mumia. Witnesses who have come forward to testify to his
>innocence have been persecuted. The Black United Fund of Philadelphia
>seen its sources of funding being squeezed by the authorities because it
>provides tax-exempt status for Mumia's defense. This shows that the
>that be are determined to execute Mumia in order to silence him. We have
>fight to save his life with equal determination. All people who oppose
>injustice should stand with Mumia because he is a victim of injustice
>because he is an outspoken opponent of injustice.
>The October 22nd Coalition was formed in 1996 to fight the nationwide
>epidemic of police brutality and police murder. Our annual National Day
>Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of
>Generation shines a spotlight on police brutality and helps build
>to it. Our Stolen Lives Project (SLP) exposes how widespread the problem
>police murder really is. SLP documents more than 2,000 cases of people
>killed by police and other law enforcement agents in the US just in the
>1990's. From 1997 to today, we have documented more than one death per
>at the hands of law enforcement. This doesn't even count the killings
>they've covered up, or the people who survived being brutalized by cops.
>What we're dealing with here aren't isolated incidents. They're part of
>growing nationwide epidemic that must be stopped.
>We in the October 22nd coalition know what happens when cops stop a car
>driven by a Black man at 4am, like they stopped Mumia's brother back in
>December of 1981. We know cops make up false evidence and that cops,
>prosecutors and judges conspire to suppress evidence favorable to a
>defendant and to railroad people into prison in rigged trials, which
>also did in Mumia's case. This is the experience of far too many people,
>especially young people of color and poor people, at the hands of the
>criminal justice system.
>We also know Philadelphia cops have a long history of brutality and
>corruption. In one precinct, cops were caught manufacturing evidence in
>cases that put more than 1,000 people in jail. Back in the 1960's under
>Rizzo, Philadelphia cops beat protesting school children as viciously as
>red necked, southern sheriff. They brutalized members of the Black
>Party and stripped them naked in the street. In 1985, they dropped a
>bomb on
>a house occupied by members of MOVE and let the resulting fire burn till
>had killed 11 people, 5 of them children, and burned down a whole city
>If you're somebody who's been abused by the cops and the courts, or
>who has a loved one or a friend that has suffered this kind of abuse or
>somebody who thinks this kind of injustice is wrong and must be stopped,
>then you have to do two things. You have to join the fight to stop the
>execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal. We can't let the authorities silence this
>powerful voice against injustice. We need to get Mumia back out on the
>streets with us, helping to build a powerful movement to stop police
>brutality. You need to add your voice to those crying out, "Free Mumia
>And you need to join the thousands of people of all races and from many
>different backgrounds who will take to the streets in cities across the
>country on October 22nd, the National Day of Protest to Stop Police
>Brutality. Together we will demonstrate. Many, many people will wear
>in solidarity with the protests and in memory of the victims of the
>And together we will say in a loud voice, "Stop Police Brutality,
>and the Criminalization of a Generation!" Join us.
>This is a short list! For a full listing, see
>Atlanta, GA
>2:00--6:00 PM-Mumia Awareness Festival; Coan Park on Boulevard Drive,
>mile east of Moreland Ave. in Kirkwood. Many bands, spoken word, AIM
>drummers, mural artists. Speakers: Councilman Michael Julian Bond, David
>Gunn, Jr. and speakers from SCLC, Rainbow Coalition, Amnesty Int'l info:
>770-989-2536, 404-239-8054
>Chicago, IL
>11:00 AM-March & Rally-Three feeder marches start at State/Lake,
>Van Buren/Clark-Rally 1:00 PM in Federal Plaza, Adams/Dearborn info:
>Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal 773-381-6507
>Detroit, MI
>1:00 PM-Leaflet on the Avenue of Fashion. Meet at 1pm at McDonalds at 6
>and Livernois info: 313-628-4932, 313-831-0750, 313-338-1850,
>Los Angeles, CA
>10:00 AM-DEMONSTRATION/RALLY South Central L.A.'s Leimert Park, at 43rd
>Degnan at 11:00am (gather at 10:00am).
>Le Conte and Westwood info: 323-653-4510, 310-397-6801, or 310-649-0357.
>New York, NY
>12:00 NOON-Times Square March for Mumia: Assemble: 12 Noon at Harlem
>Office Bldg, 125th St. & Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. March to Columbus
>begins at 1:00 pm: Assemble 2:30pm at Columbus Circle, 59th St. & 8th
>Avenue-March to Times Square begins at 3:30 pm info: Free Mumia
>Coalition 212-330-8029 or December 12th Movement 718-398-1766
>Philadelphia, PA
>12:00 NOON-"Philadelphians for Mumia" near FOP headquarters, Broad &
>Garden info: 215-476-8812
>San Francisco Bay Area, CA
>11:00 AM-Caravan For Mumia-Taking The Truth To The Community-Join with
>scores of cars, bicyclists, bladers and boarders as three caravans will
>their way through important communities in San Francisco. Help
>the truth of Mumia, his case, and the need to mobilize for a new trial
>to Stop The Execution! Meet at 11:00 am at the following locations: Bay
>Playground-Third St. between Armstrong and Carroll-Marina Green Parking
>at Marina Boulevard and Filmore-George Washington High School, Geary
>30th and 32nd Avenues in the Richmond District-Call the Mobilization to
>Mumia Abu-Jamal at 415-695-7745 for more information.
>... and much more! Check the web for details about other cities, such as
>Houston, Green Bay, Santa Cruz, Pensacola, DC. Other countries: Holland,
>Norway, Germany, UK.
>(We do not endorse, choose, or receive any compensation for the ads in
>the emails. They're the 'price' of this 'free' mailing list service.)
>The Oct.22 Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the
>Criminalization of a Generation.
>To unsubscribe: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Contact us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or 888-NO-BRUTALITY. Official NDP
>web site: <http://www.unstoppable.com/22>

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