>Hi Mac
>How do I sub to this list. Is it sectarian?

Before you get confused, and that would be my fault, it is the list of the 
"democratic" Socialists of America. The DSA have been the "socialist" 
appendage of the American Democtarts for some forty years. The party is tied 
to the Democrats and Hoffa, et al. The main focus is generally on 
news-listings, from their bizarre spectre. I don't subscribe to the list, it 
would be like being on Hillary Clintons fan list in some ways, from the 
"left". The post I sent you and the "lists" was one that a friend forwarded 
me. I can find out how he subscribed, if you still want. I, personnally, 

>Warm regards
>George Pennefather
>Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site at
>Nestor is an Argentiniam Marxist who calls himself a
>Marxist-Leninist-Bolivarist, moderates the Leninist International list, and
>generally has some of the sharpest insights into todays international
>situation. I personnally look forward to all of his posts over there, clear
>insightful and sharp, even if english is his second language.
>      --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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