CB: The antagonism between the social nature of production and the private 
nature of appropriation or property is what you are trying to get at. Technical 
production as it develops makes itself more and more social. Marx assumes that 
the overall division or socialisation of labor increases ; maybe on the 
common sense pricinciple that  _social_ production - two heads and hands are 
than one - is more efficient than private production.


WL: No I am not. The "social nature" is birthed with birthed with species 
activity and becomes visible with the division of labor. Socialized production 
a different concept that rises under feudal economic and social conditions 
with the revolution in the productive forces and the growth of bourgeoisie and 

Marx speaks of the bourgeoisie entering into antagonism with other section of 
the bourgeoisie who interest has become in contradiction to the advance of 
industry. I directed quoted this passage. 


CB: So Marx assumes, on the other "hand",  a tendency to centralization and 
monopolization at the bourgeois pole of the class antagonism, that is always 
tending to the ultimate private property, all owned by one. This is the 
of socialization of ownership, dividing up the fruits of production based on 
all the hands and heads that are in production.


WL: Marx does not assume what you have written in any of his writings. 
Actually Marx writes the exact opposities of what you have written which is a 
kind of communism. You write: >>CB: socialization of ownership, dividing up 
the fruits of production based on all the hands and heads that are in 

This is hard to believe and modern communism has nothing whatsoever to do 
with "dividing the fruits of production based on all the and heads that are in 
production."  Please reread the Critique of the Gotha Program. 

Enough of this for now. 


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