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There are examples.  I don't have time to ennumerate the many instances of
the violent repression of Southern Unionists.

But in terms of the armed conflict, the secessionist militias on the border
states pretty much dissolved when pressed and many of the members crossed
over and joined Federal outfits.  In the Indian Territory, the official
regiment of the bogus Confederate Cherokee government crossed over at the
first opportunity in late 1861 to fight against the secessionists.  After
the rebels rebuilt that regiment, they put the new recruits into the field
in 1862, and they crossed over en masse and reorganized as a Union
regiment.  This sort of thing also happened in Arkansas.

What you see about the MEMORY of the Civil War tells us nothing about the
war itself.  The ruling class down there imposed the entire rationalizing
mythos of "the Lost Cause" on the section along with Jim Crow.  I remember
being on the Pea Ridge battlefield once and one of the rangers there was
complainign that they can't do much as much reenacting as he'd like because
people around there just won't wear the blue uniform.  This was where
three-quarters of the white population were actually Unionists.  I've seen
those statues on the courthouse lawns all over the South in counties where
the majority of those who participated in the Civil War fought against

Most telling to me was what happened when the dead weight of the region's
ruling class no longer bore down on the population.  New Orleans provided
one remarkable example, a case where the Federal authorities had to keep
pulling in the white mechanics who were arguing that a new loyal state
government there should include black suffrage and citizenship--and that
was 1863.

The conflict was the Second American Revolution on many levels, though
often more in its promise than the delivery.  But one aspect of thsi was
what happened in the South.

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