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Cole's rant is of course misguided and mistaken - the latter, however, with
regard to this particular incident recounted by Popper.
By coincidence I've been re-reading a speech by Trotsky about the third
Comintern congress. There -- and elsewhere - he -- and others - lambaste
the German CP for doing exactly what Cole decries.  I.e., with their
lunatic theory of the offensive, encouraged by some Comintern reps, they
had convinced some CP members to try to physically stop  workers from going
to work in plants where the majority had no interest in striking or even
awareness of why they should.
Trotsky says this in the context of explaining that the united front, in
contrast, meant patient and prolonged education.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 6:53 PM, Dennis Brasky via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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