Justin S. Cooksey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> RedHat 5.2
> Dial-up PPP account
> Dynamically assign IP address

I don't run RedHat, and my ipchains rules are hand-cobbled (and I like
them) so I can't offer any specific suggestions.  However...

> 1) The rc.firewall is called from ip-up and uses a command to get the
>    ppp0 IP from ifconfig.  However I have read that IPs etc are passed
>    as command line arguments to ip-up, couldn't these be passed to
>    rc.firewall?

Indeed, both ip-up and ip-down are called with the following parameters:


    ifname=$1           # Interface being brought up (e.g. ppp0)
    ttydev=$2           # TTY device being used (/dev/modem)
    speed=$3            # Terminal speed (115200)
    localip=$4          # IP address of my PPP interface
    remoteip=$5         # IP address of the P-t-P link

> 2) I can't find the reference that I read the above in :-(.  Can
>    anyone provide me with the details?

It's in "man pppd".  :)

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