I use MC since a very long time as my major tool to manage my Linux servers via PuTTY ssh. It does not need a X enviroment and nevertheless even the mouse works as expected! It's superb for me as a otherwise Windows based admin!

But even the best could be possibly improved:

I use Samba and ACLs to come as close to the expected funtionality of an Windows File Server. Even I could edit a lot allready via the Windows Explorer, I need sometimes native access to the ACL. The cmdline tools are not really handy for that. I belive that it would be _very_ helpfull to be able to edit ACLs and EAs from within MC. The ACL editing I mean as a extension/replacement to the existing functions in the File menue:
* chmod
* chown
* advanced chown
these items may be removed and replaced by an item "Access Control" that integrates them all and enhances this with the editing of the complete ACL. Additional there should be an item "Extended Attributes" that allows editing of attributes at least for the name spaces "system" and "user".
The "Info" View should also show something from these both lists.

The "Access Control" dialog is aware if the current file system supports ACLs. If the filesystem does not support it, the dialog just edits the standard ACL bits. The availability of the "Extended Attributes" editing is accordingly dependent on the availability of this feature in the current file system resp. its current mount options.

I use currently MC 4.6.0 included with SuSE 10.0 and belive that this must be quiet up-to-date. Futhermore I looked into the FAQ on this issue. I hope I do not have missed another source I should have checked before...



P.S since I'm not member of the list, pls CC replies dirct to me. Thanx!
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