Follow-up Comment #2, patch #6206 (project mc):

This patch has problems and it's not ready to use as-is - to name a few:

- it crashesh when you cycle with the mouse through all the sort modes by
clicking the '$' button

- if the pathname is too large it overwrites the sort mode name

- the sortmode + buttons are not highlighted properly as the rest of the
upper frame

- sortmode is displayed only for the active panel

Anyway, I like the idea and since this feature is requested a lot I'd like to
implement it. However, I'd like to propose a different approach. Your patch
uses to much space from the 
upper frame and the way to change sort modes is too confusing IMO. So I'd
like to change it that way:

- display the fullname of the sort mode in the upper frame (eventually make
this user configurable - upper/lower frame)

- clicking on the fullname will invoke the "Sort Order" dialog
and the user will be able to directly select  the desired sort mode. A key
binding will be introduced which invokes the Sort Order dialog as well.

- Shortcuts will be introduced to invoke each individual sort mode. FAR uses
Ctrl+F3, Ctrl+F4 and so on - I think we should follow suit. These shortcuts
are not currently used anyway.

I took a look at how FAR displays the sort mode but I don't like the way they
do it. The display a single letter in the first column of the header line
which denotes the current sort mode. This is rather confusing - printing the
full sort mode name is mcuh user friendlier IMO. We can do it the FAR way but
I don't think it is much of an imrpovement.


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