It would appear that on Apr 28, Keith Roberts did say:

> On Sat, 28 Apr 2012, Alan Corey wrote:
> > I think its great that its there, but is there way way to turn it off
> > other than starting mc with mc -d?
> > 
> > Most often I'm just clicking in a window to give the window the focus,
> > and at least once a day I click the wrong place and mess up the sort
> > order.  I try to not click column headings anymore, but it still
> > changes.  An option to disable this in settings would work best for
> > me.
> Hi Alan. Why click to bring a window into focus? I'm running the XFCE4 desktop
> on Centos Linux 5.7, and I have the desktop set so that the window focus
> follows the mouse pointer. That means as soon as I place my mouse pointer on a
> window, that automatically brings that window into focus - without me having
> to click.
> Not sure what OS you are running though?

Pardon me for Jumping in here... But speaking for myself (and not for the
OP, I can't stand to use a computer where I have to pay attention to where
the &%@$%^#ing mouse pointer has drifted to while I'm typing... In the
middle of a word, This is partly because I only use the mouse when I must
and partly because I need to be looking at the keyboard rather than the
monitor while I'm typing. Thus while I wish all OS(s), WM(s). and DE(s)
were obligated to include a configuration option where the mouse was
absolutely unable to affect focus (Which I'm only comfortable setting via
keyboard shortcuts.){Implying, of course that the durned 'puter would _NEVER_
sit there unwilling to listen to the keyboard shortcut until after at least
one window has been focused by the mouse} The closest I can get is "click to
focus" where at least the focus doesn't wander away from the window I think
I'm typing into very often, And I can _USUALLY_ use the keyboard to focus
the window I want.

It would appear that on Apr 29, Paul Westell did say:

>  I have nothing good to say about starting MC with the -d option and highly
> reccomend recompiling. Disabling mouse support will still allow gpm copy/paste
> functions while not operating in a GUI.

Again speaking for myself, not the OP... I multi-boot so many Linux that I
haven't time to keep up with personally compiled applications. But am
totally dependent on whatever version of mc I can get from the {insert
currently booted distro here} specific package management system. IE:
apt-get install pkgname, equo install pkgname, pacman -S pkgname, etc...

But I'm curious, Why do you dislike the -d option? So far I've not had any
problem with it (when I remember to use it  that is. ;) And I like the fact
that when I do bother wrestling my trackballs pointer over to some text I
want to copy/paste with gpm, I don't have to remember to also hold the
shift key down. (used to be that when I opened a selected file via:
vim <alt>+<enter> <enter> 
Then even though I was running inside an mc session without having disabled
mouse support, I didn't need to hold the shift key to use gpm's clipboard
to copy text to from another window... But lately having to hold the shift
key even inside a subprocess, is why I've started to bother with -d...
> If you wish to avoid rebuilding MC for the time being, I have found simply
> rolling the mouse wheel will bring the focus back to whichever window you are
> hovering over, even over the task-bar, usually without disturbing the cursor.

In part because of my difficulty with rodent's I use a trackball... And it
doesn't happen to have a wheel button. (And if it did I'd want to disable
it) I've found that an accidental brush of a working mouse wheel can
silently change scroll box and or radio dial settings inside applications
and web based forms. I don't like it when I carefully select something
and without expressly clicking on one of the other choices, the setting

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