Sorry, this is the correct link to the article:

>Hello Allison,
>I wrote this paper 
>( two years ago 
>specifically on the topic, so it might be of interest to you. Don't hesitate 
>to give me some comment or feedback. 
>Kind regards,
>Seth van Hooland
>ULB - Facult? de philosophie et lettres
>Dpt SIC - fili?re STIC
>Av. F.D. Roosevelt, 50 CP 123
>1050 Bruxelles
>B?t. D.11.203
>+32 2 650 40 80
>>Can you recommend books or papers on the topics of producing quality
>>user-generated content, the process of reviewing/analyzing
>>user-generated content, and the amount of time that should be dedicated
>>to reviewing and editing user generated content.  I am currently looking
>>through the proceedings from Museums and the Web.  Are there any other
>>sources you can recommend?
>>Thank you!
>>Allison Farber 
>>Museum Educator 
>>Museum of Jewish Heritage 
>>A Living Memorial to the Holocaust 
>>36 Battery Place 
>>New York, NY 10280 
>>tel: (646) 437-4307 
>>fax: (646) 437-4311 
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