Dear all,

I am a PhD student at Indiana University, working this semester with the
Curator of Works on Paper at the University Art Museum on an art exhibition
project. We have been wondering if there is some specific software out there
used for exhibition design, to be handy, quite easy to learn, cheap, and
that would not expect some great experience in 3D design. We are mostly
thinking of a template that would simulate the museum gallery, where we
could drag and move things to get some feeling of what the exhibition
gallery would look like with the art works, painted walls, etc. included.

I have been playing around with Google's SketchUp, but I would be interested
in any software that you may be using, that could maybe be easier for
curators to use when they lack the availability of an installation designer,
and they just want to have a gallery simulating interface...

Any feedback would be really appreciated!

thank you in advance,
Ilias Kyriazis

Ilias Kyriazis, BMus, MLS
Fulbright Alumnus
PhD Student in Information Science
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University, USA

"Art is solving problems that cannot be formulated before they have been
solved. The shaping of the question is part of the answer."
Piet Hein

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