
I operate a portal site to a wide range of "museum" topics .. with the primary
mission of helping the public discover and interact with museums online. - It's
evolved iteratively over the years (online since Dec 1999) .. and is more 
of topics than logical progression .. however it has generally received positive
reviews in the media .. (Most recently, the New York Times claimed it to be the 
user-friendly of the "meta-museum" sites).

The most fundamental hierarchy? - Art, History, Science .. then some suggestive
options are presented from there. - (Mind you, the VAST majority of the "fresh"
traffic to the site comes from search engines that have crawled the many 
.. and that is a very important consideration when designing a collections or 
branching topic directory .. but also another topic for discussion in its own

Roy Hemmat
Director, Discovery Media

** 1000's of museums and educational links
now available through our award-winning gateway

> Do you have broad categories that you use at the top level of your website's
> collections hierarchy?  .. Any comments or ideas are
> welcome, including ideas of other websites we might visit.  thanks!
> Marla Misunas

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