Andrew, thanks for your comments, I'm forwarding them (with my
comments) to the MD mailing list.

>In your look into the future, you seemed to be saying that the solid
>state recorders, particularly the portable MP3 players, were taking the
>place of Minidiscs in their current niche, which is as a portable
>digital music player. 

Right, they're just starting to, but will eventually.

>However, the MP3 players, in order to comply with
>certain laws, are not able to record.  This limits their usefulness, as
>does the storage size and price of their media.

The legal hurdles to recording on solid state media are certainly
surmountable, especially if a firewall or encryption is applied during

>  Additionally, I feel
>that the solid state systems would have to establish a standard type of
>media before they could become a dominant force in the music world.

I disagree. The "media" of audio will become the network and the
computers serving audio that are attached to it. The prefered way to
move audio around will be over a wire.

>Because of this, along with the solid state portables' lack of mobile
>recording, I do not believe they will take the place of Minidiscs in
>their current role for quite awhile. 

Well, I agree that they will not overtake MD for a while. Principally
because of media cost.

> As it stands right now, Minidiscs
>are by far the superior format.


>  The fact that they can do anything that
>a solid state recorder can, minus a little bit on the anti-shock issue,
>makes Minidiscs seem a bit more practical.

Yes, I agree.

>  I feel that Minidiscs will
>not fall into a tiny niche role any time soon

No, not too soon, maybe in 10 or 15 years.

> and am hoping they will
>last for at least the twenty years that you are giving them.  They will,
>I hope, last at least as long as CDs do.

Thanks Andrew. 


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