Regarding fast ATRAC decompression Gary Sargent suggested it:
>> ... can not be decompressed quick enough.

David W. Tamkin replied:
> Now there you may be onto something; that's certainly a possibility.

and David continued by quoting my reply:
> Gareth Bell has objected.
> Err, David-- we both own MZ-R3 portables 3+ years old.  Do you
> really think an ATRAC chip running at 4x the speed of the one in our
> R3's would be difficult to make.  Okay they may now use ATRAC 4.5 or
> R-Type [OT: great game] or whatever and those algorithms may require
> more processing power, but to say they couldn't make even a cheap-chip
> to do it 4x faster than normal is just plain ridiculous.  Especially as
> for a home unit so size and heat-dissipation is easily coped with.

David replied:
> You're dealing in conditionals, Gareth, while Gary and I were dealing in
> dicatives.  Whether such a chip is already present in units that are on
> market now, whether such a chip exists now, whether such a chip can be
> duced now, and whether such a chip can ever be produced are four distinct
> questions.  My guesses at answers to them would be "probably not," "no
> "yes," and "yes" respectively.  Nobody said it could never be done, only
> currently available units can't do it.  You're comparing apples to
***I SAY***
Well perhaps I mis-interpreted what you were saying, but I'm sure I wasn't
the only one out here who did so.  I agree with your four answers to your
four questions except the second "whether such a [hi-speed ATRAC] chip
exists now" where I would say "quite probably" rather than "no idea".

I wrote to David:
>> Assuming you're still speaking to me after my earlier paragraph,

And David replied:
> We've never spoken in our lives.  I don't even know you well enough to
> you Gaz.
***I SAY***
Please don't get all pedantic on me, you knew exactly what I meant as did
95% of md-l readers who went that far through the email I reckon.  Feel free
to call me Gaz, all my friends do, including many internet ones living many
thousands of miles away.

Referring to the R3's test mode David said:
> I've never dared try it with the resistor.  The R55 service manual
> two ways: a jumper inside (different from the resistor across two pins of
> remote jack as on the R50) or a button sequence.  I was speaking of the
> button sequence, though I didn't say that.  (I wouldn't dare open the unit
> to try the jumper method; I'm too timid even to try the resistor, but
> doesn't know me all that well.)  The button sequence is this:
> 1. Hold down PLAY during step 2.
> Exit test mode by removing all power sources.
***I SAY***
There's no way I would open my MZ-R3 either, and I've never used the 24K
resistor method for the same reason as you.  I *have* put a blank MD in my
R3 and am contemplating trying out your "hold play while pressing ..."
I'll remove the batteries first so I can easily kill the power if things
start going
pants.  I'm not going to do it just yet as I don't want to make a mistake
accidently adjust something that will turn a perfectly functioning unit into
doorstop :-(
For one thing, I need to know how to navigate in test mode once I "engage"
it.  I guess it's the same as the R30 stuff I downloaded from MDCP.

PrinceGaz -- "Is it just me, or do other people ever sit in the centre of
back-seat of a bus (lower deck) and have an urge to issue a command like
'Set A Course For Newcastle At Warp Factor 7 And Engage Immediately'
when the bus is about to pull-away, or am I completely bonkers.  I've never
actually said it (while sober anyway ;-)

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