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The whole DCC diasaster got me thinking.  When did Philips first introduce
this technology, maybe '92 or '93? Then they finally gave up in like '96 or
'97?  If they had had publicly introduced the DCC 4 or 5 years earlier, as
a superior media to the cassette tape, the cassette would have gone the way
of the 8-track (it is, admittedly, an obsolete and archaic technology, and
the damn things STILL sell! -- you still see 'em in record shops!).  We
(the MD community) would now be in competition with DCC, instead of still
trying to get rid of the tape.  Does this make any sense?

People then still wouldn't fear that the MD is trying to take over the CD,
which from talking with people.  Maybe it's just the fact (silly enough
that it is) that 'MD' sounds so much like 'CD'...


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Do you know what was better with the DCC titling system? Lyrics were
defined in the system, so that you could read the song text on a
scrolling display during listening. Because of this was such a superior
feature, no pre-rec tape I know used it....    ;-)


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