LAS wrote:

> Hi Tony and all.  I'm probably the grandfather of the list.  So I have actually
> lived through the birth of all of the formats that you mentioned.

...doesn't every community need something like a "council of the eldest"? We are the
MD community, so, are you interested...?

> First, I agree with you 100% that an earlier introduction of the DCC would not
> have made any difference.  But I'm not entirely sure that the reason for it's
> failure was the fact that it was a tape media.

If the DCC introduction showed anything, then it was the fact that sound quality is
NOT the key for a success in the mass market. I don't want to start a debate about
sound quality, but as a user of both systems, I can say that DCC offered the MD
sound quality of today up from its introduction. Sound quality may be useful for
good reviews in magazines, but the common user looks at the price and at other
things. Too long, Philips believed that the downwards compability of DCC is a major
factor, was worth _nothing_! If there had been any deck that had been able to
record on analog tapes, maybe things would have developed differently, but without
this full compatibility, you know the result.

Direct track access and the ease of use is what MD shares with CD and therefore they
find their way in the market. Every new format has difficulties at the beginning.
The more competing formats are on the market at the same time, the more difficulties
has each format. There are to many people not interested in technology, they growed
up with the tapes and vinyls of their parents and that is what they think to need.
Several people I know only changed to CD because they couldn't get their favourite
artists on vinyl anymore...

The best thing is "learning by doing", so if you want to convert anyone to MD, give
him/her your MD recorder for 2 or 4 weeks when you are on holidays. If this doesn't
work, this person will never use MD.


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