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Well guys, you got me there.  I really love my MDs, and I play them in my car
whenever I can.  But I also have  CD ROM burner on the PC, and CD Changers in
both my car and van.  So, I really don't have a good reason, except little sense
that I bought the Pioneer on a whim and thought it could be a great item to link
to my minidisc player and transfer the data to CD.  No, I don't use optical on
the PC's burner.. yes I do have the new SB Live.  I know, I know.  <grins>

Primarily the reason I have the MD recorders is to record the concerts in my
area.  So, I save the recorder's life span by transferring the audio to the PC
for editing, or to CD for a duplicate master.

Looks like I should'a not bought the Pioneer Audio CDR.  So I guess its gonna be
a big paperweight until prices on the CDDA drop to where they're more in line
with the CDR media.

Thanks for the all replies guys.


Simon Gardner wrote:

> > I can't help but ask why you felt the need to record audio CDs if you're
> > already into MD as your being part of this list suggests?
> I was kind of wondering that too - I don't know what MD and CDR prices are
> like there, but in the UK with Hi-Space MDs at between 1 pound and 1.50,
> it's virtually no saving in recording them onto CDR (assuming that you're
> using good CDRs that'll work in virtually all players)
> In fact, I worked out the other day that storing MP3s on MD was a cost
> saving over storing on HD.
> 6 gig HD = 80 UKP (quick search, that was the cheapest 6 gig)
> 74 minutes of MP3'd audio, at decent compression =
> 74mins x 60secs x 20 kbytes/sec (ie. 160kbit/sec) = 88.8Mb of space.
> 6000mb/88.8mb = 67.57 MD's worth on a HD.
> Cost of storage of 74 mins on HD : 1.18 UKP
> Cost of storage of 74 mins on MD : 1.10 UKP
> (there was a place selling Hi-Space, no voucher scheme for 1.10 ea)
> Plus of course there's no hassle with transferring to silly devices like the
> Rio - just grab a couple of MDs and go :)
> Simon
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