What's the web address for Wholesale Connection?

Now going OT about catalog design...
I'm suprised by your comment on Crutchfield... but then again, I wondered
how/why their catalog got slicker and glossier with every year.  From a
designer's standpoint, it's a very distinctively "clean" look to their
catalog - two or three typefaces per page, and colors that go 'together'
(dark blue and and green for instance; the opposite of this would be dark
blue and orange, which makes for a nice contrast, but rather upsetting to
the eye).  I don't care for, say, PC/MacWarehouse's catalog (just as an
*example* folks, not to start another Jobs Vs. Gates war -- I actually do
like the company alot just not their catalogs), because they use at least
10 different fonts per page and use every color of the spectrum at least
once per double-truck (left-and-right pages)...

Then again... I've never seen a computer catalog I liked. :-P
maybe MacConnection's catalog, but that's a stretch...

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Steven Brooks/HOME_OFF/AGLIFE)
Subject:  Re: MD: Sony MDS-JE520

You can order the MDS-530, which has the new DSP-R ATRAC, for $219 from
Wholesale Connection.  Shipping (to Indiana, anyway) is $20, for a grand
total of $239.  The MDS-JE520 is last years model.  In fact, for $249 plus
shipping, you can by the MDS-JE630 from Wholesale Connection, which I would
highly recommend.  The 630 has the keyboard input for a PC keyboard, so you
can easily enter titles, and it has the S-Link connector, too.

I would steer away from Crutchfield.  I think they associate high-end with


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