I'd written,

T> To my ears, a headphone output turned to maximum volume is indistinguisha-
T> ble from a line-out.  I've compared the line-out and headphone jacks of my
T> Sony MZ-R3, and I've compared identical [except for framing, cough cough]
T> recordings made digitally from the same CD track to two different MDs
T> [cough cough] playing in my Aiwa AM-F70, listening through its headphone
T> jack, and in my R3, listening through its line-out.  I couldn't tell a
T> difference.

Gaz answered,

B> I hope your throat condition improves soon David.

Thank you, Gareth.

B> I would say that all other things being equal (which they might not be,
B> but anyway) the Sony LineOut minijack which skips at least the digital
B> level chip (volume), bass boost circuits or at least the switch when boost
B> is off, and a further low impedance output stage must be better than the
B> Sharp, Aiwa or whatever porties where your "LineOut / Headphone" goes
B> through all the unnecessary extra circuitry.

Oops.  Should have said that I did those by-ear comparisons with bass boost
turned off.

T> But I'm not Colin's chiropteran cousin.

B> Nor am I, and as I didn't eat a dictionary for dinner tonight am not
B> certain wot a chiropteran creature is.

It's the flying nocturnal mammal people say you have in your belfry, Gaz.
Colin's cousin Brad is the one who tells us he can distinguish different
versions of ATRAC from one another.

B> Wouldn't it be great if there were a non-electronic media to store
B> information, that preferably had some sort of index to locate the required
B> entry.  Ideally portable, and shock-resistant too.  Something that could
B> be just picked up and accessed.

Like a human brain?  Thought you already had one.  It's not 100% shock-proof,
but it's still more shock-resistant than a CD-ROM.

B> I'm being forceitious but I'm allowed to occasionally, yeah?

Is forceitious like facetious, only forty times as much?

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