>Hello all.  September issue of Sound&Vision (which is Stereo Review gone to 
>hell) has some interesting items.  First, a letter from a reader refers to 
>Ken Pohlmann's review of the Philips CDR560 CD recorder (June issue).  Ken 
>stated that CD's provide much better sound than MD.

Which is true, assuming you have a decent pair of headphones or a good 
stereo system to listen to them.

>He then went on to refer to a test in the March 1997 issue and 
>said cassettes with Dolby S "sounded much better" than MD.

You also have to keep in mind that these guys are probably testing a $10 
top-of-the-line chrome cassette recorded on a $20,000 system with a 
$2,000 tape deck. Given that particular tape and that high-end of a 
system, I'd bet my money that the cassette would sound better because the 
loss in sound quality from using magnetic tape is probably less than the 
loss in sound quality from ATRAC. So don't jump on him for saying tape 
sounds better; jump on him for not explaining that tape might sound 
better only for rich people ;-)  Here, we know what the real world 
results would be.
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