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Sony MZ-E75 which will be relesed in Japan 10th of next month do offer
seperate line-out and headphone out jacks



> -----Original Message-----
> From: David W. Tamkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 1:31 AM
> Subject: MD: separate line-out and headphone jack (was analog recording
> questions)
> Colin wrote:
> B> Actually, there's probably more difference there than between
> a line-out
> B> and a headphone out, but Sony still sees fit to separate them.
> John answered,
> C> Sony don't always separate them.   My E30 (a playback-only unit) has a
> C> single line-out / headphone out port.   Not sure about the
> latest E-series
> C> portables though.
> John,
> With no exceptions that I know of, Sony has a single analog output jack on
> its portable MD players (such as the E30) but separate line-out and head-
> phone jacks on its portable MD *recorders*.

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