Daniel schrieb:

> I have just bought a TEAC system, but want to add on a Sony deck.. I cannot
> decide whether to go for a 930 or a 530 deck... as i cannot see much
> difference between the two. Could someone please clarify?

Hi Daniel,

Differences on the JE-930 are the quality of the analog parts (i.e. current
pulse D/A converter vs. normal D/A converter), Control-A1 interface, all 4
digital connectors (optical in/out, electrical in/out) and PS/2 connector for
titling with an ordinary PC keyboard. In addition to that, JE-930 seems to have
the old type of remote with a single button for each letter, whereas JE-530 has
a new slim one with ten buttons for all letters (like mobile phones). JE-530
lacks some of the electrical digital connectors.

BTW, when does Sony introduce a JE-530 with T9 text recognition.......? They
could promote such a feature as a major step in comfortable titling (compared
to the normal JE-530).....  <g>


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