jeff wrote:

> However, it's recording, but not in digital.  I =
>am assuming this because in the MD user manual it explains that the MD =
>will stand by until it receives input from the digital source and pause =
>when no input is received for 3 seconds.  This does not occur.

You are using a TOSlink digital optical cable, so your recordings are
definitely digital.  The unit does not pause because it is always receiving
digital information from the soundcard, as long as it is connected and the
soundcard's digital out is active.  When Winamp has finished playing, you'll
find that the soundcard is transmitting valid S/PDIF data, but with zeroes
(ie. silence) for the audio bits.  Your recorder is faithfully recording the
silence being presented to it.

>I am using WinAmp 2.04.  I also assumed it would put in track marks but =
>I've read this is not necessarily true.

>From other reports here, Winamp does not send track marks.  It is probably
more a function of the sound card hardware, firmware, and driver whether it
can transmit the necessary S/PDIF in track/out of track bits to signal track

>It is even possible to record analog using TOSLINK optical out to =
>optical in?  I'm puzzled.  Can anybody help?

Nope, TOSlink optical is digital only.  It sounds to me like your setup is
working as it should.


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