Sony's memory stick has been growing in (memory) size.
It's now up to 16MB with a 32MB stick not far away.

The 'Global DV' web site:

shows the new Sony 3CCD DV cybercam, but more interesting to MDer's is
the pic at the bottom of the page showing a set of Sony headphones with
in-built memory stick!

Maybe in the not too distant future minidisc recorders will come with a
memory stick port to download your favs and then slot the stick into
your headphones and you don't even need to carry your minuscule MD
player with you!!

Or maybe Sony is trying to get in on the MP3 bandwagon - is this an
alternative to MD?

IMHO, I wish Sony had not invented memory sticks and had instead
developed products that utilised the more common (larger memory and
cheaper) CF memory cards.....

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