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Hello all:

J. Coon wrote:

> Edward Gosfield III wrote:
> > I will make one of your mikes eventually. But gimme a break -- i don't
> > expect the Panasonic minis to compare to a 451, no matter what a great
> > value they are, and i am recording acoustic music in a quiet room, not
> > rock concerts through a PA. ;-)
> I am giving you a break.  I use it for recording acoustic music in a
> quiet room with one mandolin, for recording acoustic music at a band
> practice, for recording acoustic music at jam sessions and festivals.  I
> don't listen to rock, sorry.  I have several more expensive mikes that I
> use on my PA system, as well as  some smaller ones, including a Sony MS
> stereo mike, that I can use for recording on minidisc.  I use the "T"
> mike because it gives good results and it is handy to use.  I didn't
> design it to save money over a better mike, I already have some of
> them.  I designed it to be handy to use and give good results.  If you
> don't feel comfortable building one I suggest you  look into the mikes
> offered by Sound Professionals.  They are good people to deal with.
> http://www.cyberenet.net/~soundpro/

Thanks for the comment, we appreciate it. Our current URL is

> >
> >  BTW -- is there a source for the AudioTechnica capsules instead of the
> > Panasonic?  I don't see them at Digi-Key.
> It would not surprise me if Panasonic made the AudioTechnica capsules.

I can assure you that Panasonic does not make AT capsules. AT manufacturers
their own professional mics, and they are a great deal higher in quality to the
Panasonic elements. The Panasonic's are great for their size and price, but the
AT mics offer an even greater value as they easily compare in sound quality to
the much more expensive professional mics, at a fraction of the cost.

Hope this help..

Best regards,

Chris Carfagno
The Sound Professionals

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