J. Coon wrote:

>I recorded some material on my SOny R30 and made an MP3 file using
>CoolEdit96.  The files that it makes are compresses, but have a WAV
>suffix.  Does anyone know if these are different than a file that has an
>MP3 suffix?

Yes they are different, but the difference is only in the header
information - the actual compressed audio data is the same.  I somehow
created a file like the ones you have (just using Windows Sound Recorder I
think) with the .wav extension, renamed it to .mp3 and it played perfectly
in Winamp.  I think that's only because Winamp can handle many different
file formats (including Windows .wav) and doesn't spit the dummy if the
filename extension doesn't match the file format.  Renaming a 'real' MP3 to
.wav doesn't make it play in Sound Recorder (a very dumb MS applet).


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