Personally I can take or leave end search.  I'm not so forgetful to
append recordings to a disc without using it but at the same time
can see why some people feel it is pointless.

I actually like the fact the ES feature gives me a slightly lower level
control of my MD-portie, I don't want it to think "Record? Well I'll
go to the free-space area because the dumb-user was to stupid
to position the recording point!".  ES gives me more control of wot
my portie does, and if peeps are daft enough to over-write their
existing recordings, they should go back to tape.

Well that's my opinion, perhaps I should save this message and
a few others in a special folder for when the ES debate crops up
again in a couple of months, and again, and again, etc :-)

PrinceGaz -- "Without the regular ES arguments, this list wouldn't
be half as silly.  Question- would that be good or bad...!"

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