One quick retouching on something that's previously been said about end
search and then two new comments on it:

An R3 owner wrote,

| I'm not so forgetful to append recordings to a disc without using it ...

Neither was I when the only MD unit I owned was an R3.  Get used to a machine
without it, and that's when you tend to forget about it.

| I actually like the fact the ES feature gives me a slightly lower level
| control of my MD-portie.

But it doesn't.  There's no functionality that end search adds.  All it adds
is a risk.  Now, if having to do an extra step at risk of wrecking your re-
cordings makes you feel you are proving your mettle and you like that, enjoy
it.  But recognize it as a feeling, not a fact.

| ES gives me more control of wot my portie does ...

No, it doesn't.  It just makes you feel you do.

When instant cake mixes first came out, marketers noticed that those that
included powdered egg didn't sell as well as those to which the preparer had
to add an egg at home.  They concluded that the extra step of mixing in one's
own egg made consumers feel more involved and enjoy the process more.  I al-
ways thought they were nuts: the mixes without powdered egg sold better be-
cause a fresh egg resulted in a better cake, or maybe because the slightly
lower price of a mix with one ingredient fewer attracted buyers who didn't
stop to think that they'd have to shell out (pun intended, so there) for an
egg on top of the cost of the cake mix.  But every time this subject comes
up, and the "gives me more control" myth gets resurrected as if units with
automatic end search didn't allow overwriting, I have to consider that the
marketers may have had the right analysis.

"Manual end search gives me a feeling of more control" is an opinion to which
anyone is entitled.  "Manual end search gives the user greater control" is
just plain untrue.

I also recommend to proponents of the control myth that you never open the
write-protects on your discs except when you lend them out.  Preserving a
valued recording with only your own alertness and attention will make you
feel much prouder than stooping to the wimpy dodge of using the write-pro-
tect.  It would be absolutely hypocritical of you to do it the easy way.
Keeping the write-protect closed truly does give you more control and more

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